37 Years Providing Solutions for Manufacturing!
The Most Informed Manufacturing Businesses Choose ShopFloorManager
A DNC File Management Module For Securely Managing and Accessing your ShopNCFilesTM ShopNCFilesTM
part of an Integrated Family of ShopFloorManager
TM Modules Supports Windows 10
TM & Windows 8
TM including Support for Windows' Server 2008/2010/2012/2019
ShopNCFilesTM provides the capability to add & Manage
ShopNCFiles in ShopFloorManager'sTM
various Integrated Applications such as ShopDNC, ShopOperations & ShopMDI.
You can extend the Management of these ShopOperations & ShopNCFiles by placing them into Organizational Units & secure ShopFileCabinets.
Use ShopFloorManger's Search Engine
to quickly locate ShopNCFiles & ShopOperations quickly from a library of hundreds of thousands.
ShopNCFilesTM An Integrated Secure File Management Module
Control & Manage ShopNCFiles
Create Search Criteria Fields
Populate your Search Fields with Your Search Data!
Use the Search Engine to find ShopNCFiles
Secure Files-Docs in ShopFileCabinetsTM
Do you Have Unsecured ShopNCFiles? Are You Supposed to be ISO9000 Compliant? Are there multiple copies of ShopNCFiles throughout your Company?
Use ShopFloorManager's ShopNCFiles to control & manage all your ShopNCFiles!
ShopNCFilesTM Basics
ShopNCFiles'TM Includes:
Edit Approval & Sign-Off
Organizational UnitsTM
Resource Collections stores ShopNCFiles & ShopOperations and Manages Machine Tools' Access to These
Search Keys & Search Engine
ShopSecurityTM Includes:
Login & Password Protection
Creatable User Groups with 11 Different Rights Categories
Creatable Users to Associate with User Groups
Creatable Approval Sign-Off States to Associated with User Groups
Creatable Resource Collections to Associated with User Groups
Resource Collections contain ShopNCFiles & ShopOperations and are associated with Machine Tools!
Creatable Machine Tools which are associated with specific Resource Collections
Over 130 Cross Integrated Individual Rights
Customer Creatable ShopDocument, ShopNCFile & ShopOperation Change Reasons
Customer Activated Events for Document Change Events
Virtual File Cabinets Access
Reports for correlating ShopDocument, ShopNCFile & ShopOperation Change Histories
Edit, Approval & Sign-Off
Edit Approval & Sign-Off
Create any number ISO Sign-Off States
Assign any number of User Groups to each Sign-Off State
Create any number of ISO Flow Charts
Assign any number of ISO Sign-Off States to a Flow Chart
Configure each Sign-Off State in a Flow Chart by selecting & ordering Approvers
Assign a Flow Chart to a ShopNCFile, ShopDocument or ShopOperation with Final Settings
Create On-The-Fly Flow Chart/Sign-Off States for one-offs
Select & Assign Flow Charts from List or existing instanced Flow Charts
Real-Time Approval & Sign-Off Reminders
ShopDNCTM Includes:
- Part of ShopNCFiles ensuring access to only Approved Files!
- Create your own Communications Protocols
- Configure and Manage all of your Distributed CNC Communication's Clients
- Organize and Manage all of your Machine Tools
- Group Machine Tools, Users, ShopNCFiles & Operations Logically
- Organize and Manage all of your ShopNCFiles
- Archive, Restore & Purge all of your Files
- Archive, Restore & Purge all of your File Histories
- Use ShopFileCabinets to Manage ShopNCFiles, ShopOperations, Projects, etc.
- Use use ShopReports for complete Up & Download Reports
Organizational UnitsTM
Organizational UnitsTM is an Organization Tool so you Can:
Create a Controllable Hierarchy using Organizational Units
Create as many Organizational Units as needed
Create as many Sub Organizational Units as your needs require
Move Organizational Units into Organizational Units
Move Organizational Unit Items into any Organizational Unit
Flatten any Organizational Units - I.E. View in single list
Collapse individual Organizational Units for Clearer Views
ShopFileCabinetsTM is a Secure Vault so you Can:
Create a Controllable Hierarchy using ShopFileCabinets
Set Secure Access via User Groups
Create as many Secure ShopFileCabinets as needed
Create as many Secure: "Draws", "Folders" & "Sub-Folders" as your needs require
Drag & Drop in your ShopNCFiles & ShopDocuments into ShopFileCabinets
Automatically Import your ShopNCFiles & ShopDocuments into ShopFileCabinets
Click on any ShopNCFiles or ShopDocuments in the ShopFileCabinets for an Instant View(s)
Resource CollectionsTM
Resource CollectionsTM a Virtual File Folder
Inherits Security from User Group with which it is associated thus limiting access
Support selecting an import directory for Automatically Importing of ShopNCFiles & ShopOperations into ShopFloorManager
Manages Import behavior of ShopNCFiles & ShopOperations after Import
Manages behavior of ShopNCFiles & ShopOperations after Import
Associates Sign-Off Flow Charts for Edit & Approval & Sign-Off of ShopNCFiles & ShopOperations
Shop3rdPartyToolsTM Creates Communication Channels so you can:
Create "Third-Party Gateway Configurations" to External Application(s)
Copy And Open a ShopNCFiles'TM using the External Application
Securely Check-Out & Edit a ShopNCFiles'TM using the External App
Securely Edit a Check-Out ShopNCFiles'TM with an External App
Securely Check-In an Edited ShopNCFiles'TM
Securely Abandon Edits & Check-In a ShopNCFiles'TM
Note: Once a ShopNCFile is "Checked Out" it is no longer Editable by any User/Application until it is "Checked In". It is Secure!
Creatable Search Keys & Search Engine
Creatable Search Keys allows Creation of Meta Data Fields so you Can:
Create and Populate Keyword Fields
Create and Populate Text Fields
Create and Populate Pick-List Fields
Create and Populate Date Fields
Create and Populate Boolean Fields
Create and Populate Note Fields
Use the Search Engine to Locate any Files, Documents or Packets
Note: The The Search Engine can be quickly configured to search for any ShopNCFiles, ShopDocuments or ShopOperations
using the Meta Data Defined and Populated by you.
ShopReportsTM provides File Histories which Report:
Controlled Document & DNC File History sorted alphabetically, oldest to newest
Controlled Document & DNC File History sorted alphabetically, newest to oldest
Controlled Document & DNC File History sorted by id, oldest to newest
Controlled Document & DNC File History sorted by id, newest to oldest
ShopEMailTM Allows Users To:
Email Documents to User (Converts to Folder Structure)
Email Documents to Distribution Group (Converts to Folder Structure)
ShopErrorLogTM No Finger Pointing since ShopErrorLog Captures:
Software Bugs
Hardware Problems
Network Problems
The what, where and when
Note: ShopErrorLogTM
Knows What, Where & When it Happened and Intercepts, Records and Notifies you of all Errors.
Unique File Names
Unique File Names
Database Requires a Unique ShopNCFile Name & ID(Key Field)
File Renaming creates a Reference Back to Original ShopNCFile Name
File Copying creates another unique ID with Reference Back to Original ID
Supports multiple ShopNCFile Versions using new ID Referenced Back to Original ID
When deleting ShopDocuments the ID associated with it is never used again
ShopFloorManager's unique ShopNCFile Naming allows Generation of Full Birth to Death Reports.
Note: "File Names" of ShopNCFiles, ShopDocuments & ShopOperations must be unique within their category.
Whenever a new ShopNCFile, ShopNCFile or ShopOperation is Created, Copied or Imported a Unique Name Check is performed and duplicates are not allowed.
ShopNCFileTM Archiver
ShopNCFileTM Archiver Where old ShopNCFiles go to Rest
Automatic Archiving of deleted ShopNCFiles(Separate Database)
Search Engine for Finding ShopNCFiles
ShopNCFile Viewing Capability(Requires Shop3rdPartyToolsTM)
Recover Function
Permanent Purge Feature
Note: When the life cycle of your ShopNCFiles and ShopDocuments is the end of their life
you can delete them from ShopFloorManager's main database without concern as the are automatically Archived in the Archived secondary Database.
ShopHistoryTM Archiver
ShopHistoryTM Archiver Where old "Document" Histories go to Rest
Provides secondary Database for Old Histories
Provides Needed Tools for Managing Old ShopDocument Histories
Provides Needed Tools for Managing Old ShopOperation Histories
Provides Needed Tools for Managing Old ShopNCFiles Histories(Optional)
Provides Needed Tools for Managing Old Machine Events Histories(Optional)
Recover Function
Permanent Purge Feature
Note: When the life cycle of your Machine Events, ShopNCFiles, ShopDocuments & ShopOperations
Histories is at an end of their life you can Archive them from ShopFloorManager's main History database to the History Archive database without being concerned about
any loss of History Data.
CAD/CAM Integration, Inc. 3 Bessom St. #212 Marblehead, MA 01945