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Edit Approval & Sign-OffTM Module
An ISO9000 Document Control Management Module for Creating Multiple
Approval Levels while Controlling Release of ShopNCFiles, ShopDocuments & ShopOperations
Edit Approval & Sign-OffTM part of an Integrated Family of ShopFloorManager TM Modules
Supports Windows 10 TM & Windows 8 TM including Support for Windows' Server 2008/2010/2012/2019/2019

Edit Approval & Sign-OffTM Module supports Creating and Establishing Multi-Level ISO9000 Approval Criteria for Controlling Approval and Release of all of your ShopMCFiles, ShopDocuments & ShopOperations into Production.

This includes: Establishing Birth and Death Dates; Multi-Level Sign-Off and Approval States, Controlled Check-Out/Check-In of All ShopNCFiles/ShopDocuments/ShopOperations using ShopFloorManager TM or a Third-Party Application; Automatic Archiving and Complete Histories of Active, Deleted and or old ShopNCFiles/ShopDocuments/ShopOperations

Edit Approval & Sign-OffTM an Integrated ISO9000 ShopFloorManager Module

The Keys to managing your ShopDocuments, ShopNCFiles & ShopOperations are to make sure they are up to Date, Signed-Off and Approved by Designated Personnel including release dates. Meet the ISO Standards your customers require!


Edit Approval & Sign-OffTM

Edit Approval & Sign-OffTMBasics Include:
  • Create any number ISO Sign-Off States
  • Assign any number of User Groups to each Sign-Off State
  • Create any number of ISO Flow Charts
  • Assign any number of ISO Sign-Off States to a Flow Chart
  • Configure each Sign-Off State in a Flow Chart by selecting & ordering Approvers
  • Assign a Flow Chart to a ShopNCFile, ShopDocument or ShopOperation with Final Settings
  • Create On-The-Fly Flow Chart/Sign-Off States for one-offs
  • Select & Assign Flow Charts from List or existing instanced Flow Charts
  • Real-Time Approval & Sign-Off Reminders


Edit Approval & Sign-OffTM Create Sign-Off States:
  • You can create as many Individual ISO Sign-Off States as Required
  • You assign to each ISO Sign-Off State one or more User Group(s)

Sign-Off States can have one or more of it's Users or User Groups play the Role(s) of "Document" Approvers.

Examples of Sign-Off States:
  • Development (3 Sign-Off Users)
  • Tryout(3 Sign-Off User Groups)
  • Pre-Production(2 Sign-Off Users and 2 Sign-Off User Groups)
  • ,Etc.!

Flow Charts

Create Sign-Off Flow Charts:
  • You can create as many Individual ISO Flow Charts as Required
  • You can assign as many Individual Sign-Off States as Required for each Flow Chart
  • You can configure each Sign-Off State by selecting Approver(s)
  • You can have the Approvers in a set order or random

At this stage you have created the Flow Charts which are the Entities that get assigned to ShopNCFiles, ShopDocuments or ShopOperations. Before a ShopNCFile, ShopDocument or ShopOperation is Approved for Production each Sign-Off State needs individual Approval.

Flow Charts

Assigning Flow Charts:
  • Select a ShopNCFile, ShopDocument or ShopOperation
  • Select a Flow Chart from: ShopDocuments, ShopNCFiles, ShopOperations or Flow Charts
  • Select a Specific Flow Chart from one of the Lists
  • Optionally create & assign On-The-Fly Flow Charts for one-offs

At this stage you have Assigned a Flow Chart to a ShopNCFile, ShopDocument or ShopOperation. Before this ShopNCFile, ShopDocument or ShopOperation can be Approved each Sign-Off State needs to be individually Approved.


Users Reminded of Files Waiting for Approval:
  • Users notified when ShopNCFiles need Approval
  • Users notified when ShopDocuments need Approval
  • Users notified when ShopOperations need Approval

Edit Approval & Sign-OffTM allows a particular User or any User in a User Group to Sign-Off & Approve ShopNCFiles waiting for approval for that User Group/Sign-Off State. It only reminds them when it's their turn to Sign-Off these ShopNCFiles, ShopDocuments and or ShopOperations.

It Works

Edit Approval & Sign-OffTM How it Works

In essence using the Edit Approval & Sign-Off methodology requires that a "File" traverses a list of Sign-Off States which individually need to be approved before that "File" is fully Approved for "Production".

As the UnApproved "File" traverses the Sign-Off States a User can only access the "File" associated with a particular Sign-Off State if it is in a Pending Approval State. Once it has been approved for that Sign-Off State a User can no longer access that "File" in that Sign-Off State.

By placing Users in the Appropriate User Group/Sign-Off State Combinations you have full control over who can access Unapproved "Files".

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All Rights Reserved
ShopFloorManager Registered Trademark of CCI.
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CAD/CAM Integration, Inc.
3 Bessom St. #212
Marblehead, MA 01945

Contact Information:
Phone: 1-781-933-9500
Fax: 1-781-494-9585