37 years Providing Solutions for Manufacturing!
The Most Informed Manufacturing Businesses Choose ShopFloorManager
An ISO9000 Document Control Management Module Records & Tracks All Changes to your Files: Office,
Engineering, Manufacturing, Quality . . Part of an Integrated Family of ShopFloorManagerTM
Modules Supports Windows 10TM & Windows 8
TM including Support for Windows' Server 2008/2010/2012/2019
ShopTrackerTM is a ShopFloorManager
TM Module that has over 120 Events that can configured to capture almost
any change to your ShopNCFiles, ShopDocuments and ShopOperations meeting ISO9000 Documentation Requirements. If you're truly maintaining ISO9000 Traceability you are required to Capture &
Record the Who, What, When, Where and Whys of all changes to any ShopNCFile, ShopDocument or ShopOperation("Documents)!
TM not only provides these capabilities but also provides the ability to create
any number of customer "Event Reasons" for these Captured ISO Events. You can then use ShopTrackerTM
to Associate particular Event Reasons with a Particular Event. Now couple this with the ability of select only the Events you want to activate & capture and you have complete control
over your ISO9000 Documentation Requirements!
ShopTrackerTM an Integrated ISO9000 Traceability Module
Who Deleted the "Document"?
What were the Changes
Why was this "Document" Changed?
Who Approved the "Document"
Who, What, Why, When, Where? Do you Known?
Can you show me the "Document" Histories?
You have an ISO9000 Audit is next week? Are you ready? Do you Have all your ShopNCFile, ShopDocument or ShopOperation Records? Is the Documentation in one Place? Can you even
find all the Documentation? ShopFloorManager's ISOTracking can do all that for You Automatically!
Activate Event & History Capture
ShopTrackerTM Basics
ShopTracker'sTM Basics Include:
Activate Event Capture
Create & Edit Event Reasons Pick List(Unlimited)
Associate Event Reason(s) for selected Event(s)
Store Captured Events/Reasons in ShopFloorManager'TM History Database
Generate Standard & Customer Reports with ShopReportsTM
Activate ShopNCFile Event Capture
ShopTrackerTM Creates & Captures:
ShopNCFile Events
Add Event: ShopNCFile
Copy Event: Copy; Copy to Folder; Copy to ShopFileCabinet
Delete Event: Delete/Archive
Edit Event: Approval & Sign-Off; File Type Extension; Search Criteria
Import Event: Automatic, Manual, ShopNCFile Automatic, ShopNCFile Manual
Move Event: Move
Print Event: Print
Remove Event: ShopNCFile
Rename Event: Rename
Sign Off Event: Sign Off
3rd-Party Event: Check In/Out; Copy & View; Edit; Refresh & Edit; Undo Checkout
Activate ShopDocument Event Capture
ShopTrackerTM Creates & Captures:
ShopDocument Events
Add Event:
Copy Event: Copy; Copy to Folder; Copy to ShopFileCabinet
Delete Event: Delete/Archive
Edit Event: Approval & Sign-Off; File Type Extension; Search Criteria
Import Event: Automatic, Manual, ShopDocument Automatic, ShopDocument Manual
Move Event: Move
Print Event: Print
Remove Event: ShopDocument
Rename Event: Rename
Sign Off Event: Sign Off
3rd-Party Event: Check In/Out; Copy & View; Edit; Refresh & Edit; Undo Checkout
Activate ShopOperation Event Capture
ShopTrackerTM Creates & Captures::
ShopOperation Events
Add Event: Assignment; Child ShopOperation; Page
Clear Event: Assignment
Copy Event: Copy; ShopFileCabinet
Create Event: Create
Delete Event: Delete
Edit Event: Approval & Sign-Off; Page Open; Search Criteria; UCF Display Name
Export Event: Export
Import Event: Automatic, Manual
Move Event: Move
Remove Event: Page; Child ShopOperation
Rename Event: Rename
Sign Off Event: Sign Off
Create Event Capture Reasons
ShopTrackerTM Allows a User To Create:
ShopNCFile Event Reasons(Customer Creatable Examples)
Archive Due to Engineering Change Notice
Copy ShopNCFile(Make new ShopNCFile)
Copy ShopNCFile to Folder(Copy Doc from ShopFloorManagerTM to Folder)
Move to File Cabinet
Sign Off ShopNCFile(Approve Doc for Production)
ShopDocument Event Reasons(Customer Creatable Examples)
Archive Due to Engineering Change Notice
Copy ShopDocument(Make new ShopDocument)
Copy ShopDocument to Folder(Copy Doc from ShopFloorManagerTM to Folder)
Move to File Cabinet
Sign Off ShopDocument(Approve Doc for Production)
ShopOperation Event Reasons(Customer Creatable Examples)
Archive Due to Engineering Change Notice
Rename ShopOperation
Export ShopOperation(Copies Documents from ShopFloorManager to Folder Maintaining Structure)
Move to File Cabinet
Sign Off ShopOperation(Approve ShopOperation Structure)
Note: Use ShopTrackerTM to create any number of "Event Reason(s)" that have meanings to, as an example, your company's ISO9000 Quality System.
An ISO9000 Quality System requires that whenever someone Edits, Deletes, Moves, Renames, Approves, etc. a particular File or Document that a record should be maintained of this Event.
Create your own meaningful "Event Reason(s)" with ShopTrackerTM and when you are ready to generate ISO9000 Reports, your Reports will have meaningful Reasons for Changes!
Associate An Event With Selected Event Reasons
ShopTrackerTM Allows a User To Associate:
ShopNCFile Events with Created Event Reasons
Delete Event: "Archive Due to Engineering Change Notice"
Copy Event: "Copy ShopNCFile"
Copy to Folder Event: "Copy ShopNCFile to Folder"
ShopDocument Events with Created Event Reasons
Delete Event: "Archive Due to Engineering Change Notice"
Copy Event: "Copy ShopDocument"
Copy to Folder Event: "Copy ShopDocument to Folder"
ShopOperation Events with Created Event Reasons
Delete Event: "Archive Due to Engineering Change Notice"
Rename Event: " Rename ShopOperation"
Create ShopOperation Event: "Create New Manufacturing Operation"
Use ShopReportsTM with ReportFilters
TM To:
Generate Reports for System Configuration
Generate Customer Configurable Reports for ShopNCFile
Generate Customer Configurable Reports for Controlled ShopDocuments
Generate Customer Configurable Reports for ShopOperations
Note: You have used ShopTracker
TM to record all of your Events in ShopFloorManager'
TM ISO9000 Compliant Database. Now use
ShopReports to Generate the Who's, When's, Where's and Why's of all Events for ShopNCFiles, ShopDocuments & ShopOperations!
CAD/CAM Integration, Inc. 3 Bessom St. #212 Marblehead, MA 01945